12.1.06 # BloggerBox

blogger.png I would like to introduce a lightweight Ajaxian application to the public. It allows to read, edit and delete Blogger posts on top of the Blogger Atom API.

I named it Bloggerbox and created a Demo weblog at Blogger to let you try it out.

Here is Bloggerbox working with that Demo Weblog.

BloggerBox consists of only 3 files and doesn't use any other libraries.

file name description kilobytes
bloggerbox.html Html Css Javascript Webapplication as shown above. 11.0
blogger.php Proxy to the Blogger Atom Api. 7.8
http.js Simple wrapper around the XmlHttpRequest object. 3.4

You can dowload those three files as a zip archive.

In order to use BloggerBox with your own weblog, you have to install the files on your webserver and modify the following two lines in blogger.php by filling in your personal blogger data.

$bid = "1234567"; // hardwire your blog id ..
function userpass() { return base64_encode("username:password"); }

Please note, that BloggerBox

  • uses the content type application/xhtml xml, so it accepts only valid XHTML markup.
  • mostly avoids using the DOM-API and relies on a couple of regular expressions as well as JSON-based data exchange.
  • cannot handle comments as long as he Atom Api lacks that functionality.
  • is freely available under the Creative Commons GNU LGPL License.

It should be easy to integrate any Wysiwyg-Editor with BloggerBox. I intend to combine it with WIKI-like input capabilities and Latex-like math expressions. More about this later.

PS: This post was created using BloggerBox.


Well done!
[url=http://kifitesh.com/ophw/arnc.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://guzumofg.com/tedy/aewe.html]Cool site[/url]

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